10 Secret Techniques To Improve Your CSS Skills

Umesh Singh
3 min readJan 27, 2022

CSS is one of the languages that is used for the styling of HTML documents. With the help of CSS, one can describe the placement of HTML elements. I will pause here because if you have landed here, you must be aware of the CSS and now want to know the techniques to improve your skills. To know where you stand. With their results, you will better know where you need to improve yourself.

Don’t go with the general statement that CSS is a straightforward language and if you think so, try answering the CSS interview Questions. Agree. This might be the case for small websites, but styling can spiral out of control for the bigger ones, becoming very hard to manage. So the fact here is CSS is just like any other language and has implications that result in breaking or making your designs. To know more about such cases, we recommend taking CSS online test.

Here are the 10 secret techniques to improve your CSS skills:

  1. Is the Framework is needed?

This is one of the important things to decide whether you need the CSS Framework or not. It contains many selectors, and you won’t be able to use all of them or most of them. If any of the situations are true, then do use it; else, this will result in dead code in your bundle.

2. Use CSS methodology

CSS methodology can be used to create consistency in the files. It will also help in maintaining and scaling the projects. Recommended CSS methodologies are:

● BEM — Block, Element, Modifier

● ITCSS — Inverted Triangle CSS

● OOCSS — Object-oriented CSS

3. Preprocessor to be setup

This tool gives us access to the advanced features which do not exist in CSS, such as variables for loops and functions. Highly recommended preprocessors are:

● Sass

● Less

● Stylus

4. Practice using Markup

With markup, you can reduce the size of your CSS bundles.

5. Shorthand properties are to be used.

The use of shorthand properties helps in reducing the number of rules and reduces the weight of the CSS files.

6. Reduce redundancy

Agree, it is hard to spot the redundancy in the cases where repeated rules are not following the same order in both selectors. In that case, it is better to outsource them.

7. Complex selectors are to be avoided.

The browser takes much more time to match the selectors.

8. Outlines not to be removed

By removing the outlines, you are making the site inaccessible.

9. Use mobile-first

Especially in cases where you deal with media files, it is always a good practice to start with mobile-first.

10. Compress

It removes the white spaces and comments so that the bundles need less bandwidth to fetch.


With these techniques, you will be able to write CSS files that are lightweight, easier to maintain, and scale. Apart from these, you can use other utilities such as typography rules or color palettes that will help you create consistent designs, among others.

If you already know these techniques and have much more knowledge, why don’t you take our CSS MCQ? This will help you in showing the reality where you stand, and accordingly, you can take the next steps, whether you need to practice more or not.

Thank you for reading this! Please share some other techniques in the comment section if you have some other techniques to share.

