Top 5 Database for Web Applications

Umesh Singh
3 min readDec 22, 2019


When listening to developers speak about databases you will usually hear buzz words like robust, efficient, scalable, etc. Discussions will focal point on the strength of the DBMS and how it integrates with different technologies. In our case, however, we don’t honestly care about most of those things. Instead, we are going to be looking at the price of getting started, tools, the consumer interface and availability of help, specifically helpful for the beginner. We have a collection of database interview questions which is very helpful to crack your interviews.

It usually depends on the following factors.

  1. The deciding on of right database relies upon on the undertaking (Website) is about.

2. The focused type of person the utility is going to serve.

3. The programming language you choose.

1. MySQL

MySQL is used in almost all the open-source internet tasks that require a database in the back-end. MySQL is phase of the effective LAMP stack alongside with Linux, Apache, and PHP.
If you are looking for new job then our MySQL interview Questions will help you to crack your interviews.This used to be in the beginning created by means of a organisation referred to as MySQL AB, which was acquired with the aid of Sun Microsystems, which was once received by using Oracle. Since we don’t what Oracle will do with MySQL database, the open-source community has created a number of forks of MySQL inclusive of Drizzle and MariaDB.

Following are a few key features:

· MyISAM storage makes use of b-tree disk tables with index compression for high performance.

· Support for partitioning and replication.

· Written in C and C++.

· Support for saved procedures, triggers, views, etc.

· Support for Xpath, full-text search.

2. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database system. It runs on most *nix flavors, Windows and Mac OS. This has full aid for views, joins, triggers, procedures. You can also visit our PostgreSQL Interview Questions, if you are looking new job then it will help you to crack your interviews.

Following are a few key features:

1. Support for tablespaces

2. MVCC — Multi-Version Concurrency Control

3. Hot backups and point-in-time recovery

4. Asynchronous replication

5. Highly scalable

3. Oracle

Oracle is the fine database for any mission-critical commercial application. Oracle has following four extraordinary variations of the database: 1) Enterprise Edition 2) Standard Edition 3) Standard Edition One 4) Express Edition

The following are a few key features of the oracle database.
1. Data Guard for standby database
2. Virtual Private Database

3.Real Application Cluster
4. Automatic Memory, Storage
5. OLAP, Partitioning, Data Mining


SQLite does now not work like a usual client-server mannequin with a standalone process. Instead, it is a self-contained, server-less SQL database engine.
Main Features of SQLite:
1. No exterior dependencies
2. Zero configuration with no setup or admin tasks.
3. The entire database is stored in a single disk file.
4. Supports database of a number of TB in size
5. WinCE is supported out-of-the-box

5. Microsoft SQL Server

This is Microsoft’s flagship Database product. If you are stuck in a agency that closely makes use of Microsoft products, you would possibly end-up working on MS SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by way of Microsoft. As a database server, it is a software product with the fundamental characteristic of storing and retrieving data as requested through other software program applications — which might also run either on the same computer or on any other pc across a network.

We have a collections of Best Interview Questions and Answers that helps you to crack your future interviews

